Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Galbraith....good people

This weekend was gorgeous, so I took the chance to do lots of riding before the rain settled back in. On Saturday, I rode Galbraith Mt. near Bellingham. This place is awesome and I met lots of other riders out on the trails who I could tag along with since the trail system is expansive and its very easy to get lost. I was having a blast up until I realized that my camera was no longer on my back! I went looking for it and had given it up for dead, so I just tried to enjoy the ride and not be too pissed at myself.

Sunday was perfect too and I rode Japanese Gulch again. I have a pretty good mental map of the place now and know where the good stuff is. And where the freeride stuff is. I'll take photos next time I'm there....its absurd.

Monday I got an excellent surpise. I had posted a lost ad on a local mountain biking forum and received a response from a guy who had found my camera! Its back now and I even have a few pics from Galbraith. Steve, you are the man!

Mt. Baker

What's around that corner?